THE MOST POPULAR ITEMS IN 3DBIOCAD We have made a bundle with the most popular items in our company. TRIOS 3 Basic without a Laptop 3Shape Design Studio Roland DWX-42W You can save up $$$$ by purchasing this bundle compared with buying each one of them. Please contact us to ask about more details. MORE INFO […]
Day: August 17, 2020
Reminder: Encore 3D Printer Webinar

3D Printing in Dentistry: Applications and Profitability August 18, 2020 6 p.m. (PST) Tuesday Webinar Register Now August 21, 2020 10 a.m. (PST) Friday Webinar Register Now Just for a friendly reminder, you are invited to a 3D printer webinar! This is free an hour webinar on Zoom. We will cover the followings: […]